Interviewee: Megan Year: Senior What is your major (pure or applied)? If applied, what is your cluster and why did you pick it? Applied. Economics; I was between this and statistics and chose Econ because I’ve taken Econ classes before, and I’m interested in applying my math degree in the business world post-graduation. Also, if …
Category: Careers
Career Path Interview (Spring 2018, Part III)
Interviewee: Forest Year: Junior Major: Applied Math, clustered with Operations Research 1) Why did you choose Applied Math as your major? I was considering either applying to the college of engineering for Civil Engineering or L&S for applied math as a transfer. I ended up choosing applied math because it had fewer prerequisites and I …
Career Path Interview (Spring 2018, Part II)
Interviewee: A.Z. Major: Applied Mathematics and Statistics Year: Junior 1) What made you originally get into mathematics, and what areas did you hone in on? A.Z: When I was a freshman, I knew nothing about what I was going to do. Math was just one of the subjects that I was familiar with. After finishing all …
Career Path Interview (Spring 2018, Part I)
Interviewee: H.L. Major: Mathematics Year: Senior 1) Why did you choose maths as your major? H.L.: I have always been interested in numbers, patterns and how things operate. However, upon entering college, I was introduced to political science, economics, philosophy, anthropology and other subjects, which caught so much of my attention that I considered majoring …

Don’t Panic, Do the Math
Evans is going to be replaced soon! Evans is a windowless dungeon! Evans is the ugliest building on campus! Everyone has heard, maybe even said these types of comments about Evans Hall, the large grayish cube-like building sitting between the Memorial Glade and Hearst Mining Circle. If you are reading this, then you are probably …