Can you believe Evans was once covered in snow?! OMG SO CUTE
Evans in a snowy day from long long time ago

Don’t Panic, Do the Math

Evans is going to be replaced soon!

Evans is a windowless dungeon!

Evans is the ugliest building on campus!

Everyone has heard, maybe even said these types of comments about Evans Hall, the large grayish cube-like building sitting between the Memorial Glade and Hearst Mining Circle.

If you are reading this, then you are probably aware that Evans is home to the UC Berkeley Mathematics Department. What you might not know is that Berkeley has one of the largest math departments in the United States, which raises the number of Berkeley residing mathematicians to a rather staggering amount. Evans also houses the Statistics and Economics departments, which further makes Berkeley a great place to do math. You can easily find others who share your mathematical interests–from algebraic geometry and number theory to logic, from PDE’s or statistics to theoretical neuroscience–Evans has it all.

Since you are still reading, you must be interested in applying, or maybe you are already a student and curious about majoring in math or applied math, or maybe you’ve already made that decision–either way, we congratulate you and welcome you to the math department!

Either way, by now you probably know from the tagline that this is a blog about student life as a member of UC Berkeley math community and what being an undergraduate math student roaming the top 4 floors of that large grayish cube-like building is like. Look around here, and you will find advice from fellow undergraduates about what to do while you’re here at Cal, what to do over the summer or abroad, or what to do after you graduate.

If you have any questions from us, or if you are a student or alumni and you would like to contribute, definitely get in touch with one of the peer advisers or send an email to one of the emails below.


Your 2015-2016 Math Department Peer Advisors…
Mahrud Sayrafi [mahrud at berkeley dot edu]
Claire Tiffany-Appleton [claireta at berkeley dot edu]
Eric Chen [a5584266 at berkeley dot edu]
Shu Li [shuli1995 at berkeley dot edu]
Duc Tran [ductran at berkeley dot edu]
John Jimenez [jimenez.john at berkeley dot edu]