Author: formerstudent

Meet Your Spring 2017 Peer Advisors!

Hello everyone, and welcome to our first blog post this semester! We’re looking forward to a great semester, and to get you acquainted with us, we thought we’d answer some introductory questions! Question: Tell us a little bit about yourself. Fahad: Hey everyone! My name is Fahad Kamran, and I am currently a junior majoring in Math, …

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Can you believe Evans was once covered in snow?! OMG SO CUTE

Don’t Panic, Do the Math

Evans is going to be replaced soon! Evans is a windowless dungeon! Evans is the ugliest building on campus! Everyone has heard, maybe even said these types of comments about Evans Hall, the large grayish cube-like building sitting between the Memorial Glade and Hearst Mining Circle. If you are reading this, then you are probably …

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